The Joy and Care of Rabbits as Family Pets: Insights from Bicton Veterinary Clinic

The Joy and Care of Rabbits as Family Pets: Insights from Bicton Veterinary Clinic


Welcoming a rabbit into your home is an adventure filled with cuddles, play, and the joy of watching them hop around your living space. However, like any pet, rabbits require specific care to ensure they lead a happy and healthy life. At Bicton Veterinary Clinic, we've seen an increase in enthusiastic future pet owners and current rabbit enthusiasts seeking advice on rabbit care. Dr. Robyn, with her deep passion for rabbit medicine, leads our efforts to provide the best advice and care for your furry friends.

Deciding If a Rabbit Is Right for You

Rabbits are unique creatures that offer joy and companionship. They can make excellent indoor pets as they are quite clean and capable of forming deep bonds with their owners. It's a common misconception that rabbits are smelly; in truth, they are very clean animals, although their living environment requires regular upkeep to remain odour-free.

Rabbits can indeed be wonderful family pets, but they do require attentive care. They need a balanced diet, regular check-ups, and daily interaction. Their enclosures need frequent cleaning, and they must have space to exercise. Understanding and meeting their needs is essential for their well-being.

Tailored Health Advice for Perth's Pet Rabbits

In Perth's unique climate, rabbit owners need to be vigilant, especially during the hotter months, to prevent heat stroke and protect against infectious diseases. A diet rich in hay is crucial for preventing gastrointestinal issues, a common health concern for rabbits. At Bicton Veterinary Clinic, we emphasise the importance of hay, fresh vegetables, and a limited amount of pellets to ensure your rabbit's diet supports optimal health.

Enhancing Your Rabbit's Well-being at Home

Creating a safe and stimulating indoor environment is key to your rabbit's happiness. They thrive on social interaction and require a space where they can explore and exercise safely. Offering toys and enrichment activities can keep them mentally and physically engaged. It's also crucial to rabbit-proof your home to protect both your belongings and your pet.

Local Insights and Success Stories

We're proud to share the story of Mopsy, a local Perth rabbit who came to us with a challenging case of gastrointestinal stasis. Through a tailored treatment plan and the dedicated care of her owners, Mopsy made a full recovery. Stories like Mopsy's highlight the importance of knowledgeable and proactive pet care, something we're committed to providing at Bicton Veterinary Clinic.


Adopting a rabbit is a significant decision. They are delightful companions who require a commitment to their health and happiness. Dr. Robyn's expertise in rabbit medicine at Bicton Veterinary Clinic ensures your pet receives the highest standard of care. With the right preparation and support, welcoming a rabbit into your home can be a rewarding experience.

Rabbits' personalities vary, with some enjoying cuddles while others prefer autonomy. Understanding and respecting your rabbit's individuality is the foundation of a strong, loving relationship.

For those considering a rabbit or aiming to provide the best care for their bunny, Bicton Veterinary Clinic is here to assist. Our expertise in rabbit medicine, combined with our passion for animal care, makes us your ideal partner in pet health. Let us help you create a loving and healthy home for your rabbit.