Dermatitis in Pets: What Pet Owners Need to Know

Dermatitis in Pets: What Pet Owners Need to Know


Hey all pet lovers! 🐾 Ever noticed your fur baby scratching incessantly during those warmer months? There's a high chance they might be dealing with dermatitis. As a loving pet parent, understanding the cause and remedy is crucial, isn't it? Here's a deep dive with some insights from our very own Dr. Kay from Bicton Veterinary Clinic.

Why is my pet scratching constantly?

Dogs and cats encounter a myriad of environmental factors leading to dermatitis. The biggest culprit? Fleas! But it's not just them – pollen, dust mites, or even certain foods can be triggers.

Treatment: The solution for your itchy pet?

Firstly, relax! Your pet can bounce back to their lively self swiftly with the right treatment. Solutions range from diet alterations to specific shampoos. Plus, here at Bicton Veterinary Clinic, we've seen remarkable results with NexGard Spectra chewables. Not only do they kill fleas and control flea allergy dermatitis, but they also manage ticks, mange, and mites. And guess what? They come as a tasty monthly chew. The best part? Purchase 3 chews and get 1 extra chew FREE! And if you buy 6, you'll receive 2 extra chews at no cost. Isn’t that a sweet deal for your sweet pet?

Dr. Kay's Insight

Having been in the veterinary field for over two decades, Dr. Kay's expertise is unmatched. “Seeing pets constantly itch is heartbreaking. But with accurate diagnosis and treatment, they can relish an itch-free existence.”

Real Pet Parents Speak!

“Bella's constant scratching was a concern. Dr. Kay recommended NexGard Spectra chewables. Within weeks, her comfort was evident. A big shout-out to Bicton Vet!” - Sarah, elated pet mum.

Want more? Dive deep into our guide on Allergies in Pets.

Ready to say goodbye to the Itch?

Witnessing your furry friend's discomfort is not easy. Act now! Book an appointment with us at Bicton Veterinary Clinic. Fun, itch-free playtimes await!

Book Your Visit Now



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Pet Dermatitis

  1. What are the common signs of dermatitis in pets?

    • Answer: Common signs include itching, red or inflamed skin, scabs, hot spots, and hair loss.

  2. How soon after starting treatment can I expect my pet to find relief?

    • Answer: With the right treatment, such as NexGard Spectra chewables, many pets begin to find relief within just a few days. However, always consult with your vet about the specific treatment plan for your furry friend.

  3. Can pets have seasonal allergies that trigger dermatitis?

    • Answer: Absolutely! Just like humans, pets can have allergies to certain pollens or environmental factors which can cause dermatitis to flare up, especially during specific seasons.

  4. How often should I give NexGard Spectra chewables to my pet?

    • Answer: NexGard Spectra is a monthly chewable. For the best protection against fleas, ticks, mange, and mites, it's recommended to be given once a month.

  5. Is it safe to use NexGard Spectra with other medications or treatments?

    • Answer: Generally, NexGard Spectra can be administered alongside other treatments. However, always inform and consult with your veterinarian about any other medications or treatments your pet is currently receiving.

  6. How do I prevent my pet from getting dermatitis in the future?

    • Answer: Regular check-ups, a balanced diet, using preventative treatments like NexGard Spectra, and keeping your pet's living environment clean can go a long way in preventing future flare-ups.